Horizon’s Vision

Responsibly explore and develop a high value sustainable gold business.


Horizon’s Values

1. Wellbeing – The health and safety of our staff, contractors, community, and stakeholders is our no.1 priority and critical to our success.
2. Teamwork – The people in our organisation are the key to our success – we do what we say and deliver on our promises.
3. Accountability – We are accountable to our staff, contractors , community, and stakeholders and will always act with the highest level of integrity and respect to sustainably grow our organisation.
4. Passion – Be bold and pursue our vision with enthusiasm and conviction.
5. Agility – Be smart, act fast and take advantage of new and progressive methods, systems, and technology to improve and achieve.
6. Excellence – We take pride in our work and aim for the highest standards of performance, behaviour, and conduct.




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