In 2015, Panoramic completed ground gravity and airborne electromagnetic surveys over the Gum Creek Gold Project.  The geophysical data collected was integrated with existing magnetic surveys, geological mapping and the drill-hole database to identify new exploration targets.

As part of this work, fourteen high priority regional targets have been identified for follow-up exploration. In addition, the Wilson Shear, which is the host structure for several gold deposits including Wilsons, has been more accurately defined. Four of the fourteen regional high priority targets are associated with the Wilsons Shear.

TMI image showing Wilsons Shear

TMI image showing Wilsons Shear

Gravity image over Landsat showing Wilson Shear

Gravity image over Landsat showing Wilson Shear

An Induced Polarisation (IP) test survey has been completed over the Wilsons deposit. The survey shows a clear chargeable source coincident with the known Wilsons mineralisation and demonstrates the viability of using modern IP techniques as a tool to explore for similar mineralisation along the Wilsons Shear. Inversion modelling of the Wilsons IP test data also suggests the Wilsons mineralisation continues down plunge to the west beyond the current depth of drilling and existing Resource.

Wilsons IP survey pseudo-sections over Landsat image

Wilsons IP survey pseudo-sections over Landsat image

In addition, IP surveying for across the host shear for a distance of 6km to the south of Wilsons has identified two discrete IP chargeable anomalies similar the one identified by the test survey at Wilsons. The source of the two chargeable anomalies identified to the south of Wilsons is unknown and therefore justify further exploration. Only an estimated ten percent of the Wilsons Shear within the Gum Creek Project area has been tested using modern IP techniques.

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