Specimen Well Resource
The Specimen Well gold deposit is located 44km north of the historic Gidgee mill. The current Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for the Specimen Well deposit is 408,000t @ 1.59 g/t Au for 20,800oz (refer to Horizon Gold Ltd ASX announcement dated 25 July 2022). The deposit is currently 750m long, 5 to 25m true width and has not been previously mined (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Specimen Well 3D view looking down to the north-west showing drill holes and OK block model coloured by Au (g/t)
Gold mineralisation occurs in quartz veined, talc-tremolite-chlorite schist and quartz feldspar porphyry on a sheared mafic / sediment contact, strikes north-northeast, is sub-vertical to steeply west dipping, displays a steep south plunge, and remains open to the north and down plunge to the south (Figures 2 and 3).
Significant intersections (>30 Au gram x metres) from the deposit include*:
- 11.0m @ 10.7g/t Au from 42.0m (SWRC040)
- 25.0m @ 4.3g/t Au from 33.0m (SWAC075)
- 37.0m @ 2.6g/t Au from 23.0m (SWAC063)
- 34.0m @ 2.4g/t Au from 33.0m (SWAC079)
- 14.0m @ 4.5g/t Au from 43.0m (SWRC080)
- 18.0m @ 2.8g/t Au from 57.0m (SWAC064)
- 9.0m @ 5.0g/t Au from 31.0m (SWRC099)
- 16.0m @ 2.3g/t Au from 89.0m (SWRC082)
- 5.0m @ 6.5g/t Au from 91.0m (SWRC095)
- 7.0m @ 4.5g/t Au from 5.0m (SWRC083)
(0.5g/t Au lower cut-off, max. 3m internal waste, refer to Horizon Gold Ltd ASX announcement dated 15 February 2021)
Exploration drilling is targeting strike and depth extensions to existing mineralisation with the aim of increasing the current MRE.
Figure 2: Specimen Well long section showing gold intercept gram x metre pierce points and interpreted plunging high-grade gold shoots.
Figure 3: Specimen Well cross section (7026920N) showing mineralised envelope and significant intercepts.
*Refer to Horizon Gold Ltd ASX announcement dated 15 February 2021, “Gum Creek Geological Review”. CPs L.Ryan, M.Gunther, D.Archer.