Gum Creek Gold Project – Flyover
The Gum Creek Gold Project covers approximately 663 square kilometres and hosts JORC 2012 Mineral Resources of 44.45 million tonnes averaging 1.50g/t Au containing 2.14 million ounces of gold.
It is located within a well-endowed gold region that hosts multi-million ounce deposits including Big Bell, Wiluna, Mt Magnet, Meekatharra and Agnew/Lawlers.
A geological review and targeting exercise identified 48 targets for further exploration and drilling across Horizon’s tenement package, including numerous resource extension opportunities which could grow the existing resource inventory (Figure 2). The review included the analysis of over 56,000 holes for a combined total of over 2,400km of drilling (average hole depth of 43m), with more than 65% of holes less than 50m deep, also highlighted the regional exploration potential. Further generative exploration work including aeromagnetic surveying, detailed geochemical data analysis and geological interpretation has been recommended which may result in additional targets being identified.
Gum Creek is located 640km north-east of Perth, and 90km from the nearest town of Sandstone. Access to Sandstone from Perth is via the Great Northern Highway to Mt Magnet, or alternatively from Kalgoorlie via the Goldfields Highway to Leinster. The Project is accessed by good quality unsealed roads from Sandstone, Meekatharra and Wiluna. The closest airports with scheduled commercial services are Wiluna and Meekatharra, located 129km northwest and 144km northeast respectively from Gum Creek.
Due to its previous operational status, the Project benefits from substantial legacy infrastructure remaining on site. Existing infrastructure at the site includes a 110 person camp, operational airstrip, tailings storage facilities, and an extensive well maintained haul road, station track and shire road network. The Gidgee Gold Mine 600,000tpa processing plant is also on site, however this requires refurbishment.
The gold resources, including the existing plant site, tailings dam and village are held on granted mining leases all pre-Native Title. The haul roads link all existing mines (37 open cut pits and 3 underground mines) with the existing plant site and all remain under granted mining leases or miscellaneous licences.
Map showing Horizon Gold Gum Creek Gold Project and surrounding gold mines and processing plants.
Map showing Horizon Gold tenement outline, JORC 2012 gold resources and 48 targets identified
for further exploration and drilling across Horizon’s tenement package.