Panoramic has been committed to conducting its operations in a sustainable and responsible manner since the Company was formed in 2001. As such, we hold ourselves accountable for our actions and our performance in the economic, governance, environmental and social areas of our business.
To give our stakeholders a better sense of who we are as a business we publicly report on our sustainability performance via our Annual Report and our Sustainability Report.
Our Approach
Panoramic continues to invest time and effort in progressing the way we measure and communicate our sustainability endeavours.
As well as meeting the information needs of our stakeholders, we also use this reporting process to achieve broader internal engagement and alignment around sustainability. This approach aims to produce a Sustainability Report that speaks to all our stakeholders, and helps to direct and integrate our efforts around sustainability within the business.
Panoramic uses the information gathered to provide certain disclosures presented within this report and to assist in identifying issues that require improvement within the business. Subsequently, the Sustainability Reporting process has become one of the mechanisms used for developing goals that we strive to achieve across various sectors of the business. Ultimately, this will improve the way we report our sustainability performance and accountability to our stakeholders.
The content and quality of our Sustainability Report is a combination of internal requirements and guidance from GRI’s Principles on both Defining Report Content and Defining Report Quality. This comprises the following key elements:
- Stakeholder Inclusiveness – We strive to identify and engage with our stakeholders on a regular basis. This report reflects our understanding of stakeholder interests and expectations.
- Sustainability Context – We strive to understand and communicate our performance against topics covered in the report.
- Materiality, Completeness and Balance – We believe our report has captured the significant issues for our company and stakeholders. We strive to collect and include data that is relevant to material issues. In doing so, we have identified both positive and negative aspects of our performance in order to strive for continual improvement.
- Comparability, accuracy, clarity – The report is structured to allow comparison of performance over time. Our data is primarily drawn from other statutory reporting requirements and is considered accurate within the limitations stipulated. Our report is available online and can be provided to stakeholders on request.
- Timeliness – Previously we have prepared an annual Sustainability Report. The Company is now moving to a biannual reporting period as many of the initiatives discussed within the report have a longer dated time horizon.
Sustainability Report FY2013 & FY2014
Our sixth Sustainability Report summarises our sustainability achievements, challenges and overall performance for both our corporate office in Perth and our two nickel operations, Savannah and Lanfranchi, in Western Australia for the period covered by the 2013 and 2014 financial years (FY). Where relevant, it also includes information on our development and exploration projects.
This Report has been prepared for the benefit of our key stakeholders and represents Panoramic’s ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability. We continue to measure and report on our performance using both our own targets and fit for purpose sections from the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 Guidelines. This ensures that our reporting stays relevant to our business while at the same time promoting comparability of our performance over time and against our peers, both in Australia and overseas. We believe this approach enables our stakeholders to gain a clearer picture of what we have achieved and the key issues that are being, or are going to be, addressed.
Panoramic has strived to achieve the “in accordance” with Core option as outlined in the G4 Guidelines. Whilst the majority of these disclosures are included in this report, some aspects require further collection of data. Panoramic has identified these areas for attention in future reports to ensure that the quality of the biennial Sustainability Report is continuously improved. Further information on GRI and the G4 Guidelines please visit
Risk Management
Panoramic is committed to the effective management of risk. Our aim is for risk management to become embedded in all our business systems, mining operations and exploration activity.
We identify all material risks, assess them against accepted criteria and ensure that appropriate control measures are implemented.
The following Risk Management Guideline was developed and approved by the Board.
Fostering good stakeholder relations at all levels is a key element of our culture at Panoramic. We believe this can only be achieved through a consultative approach.
Panoramic has built and maintains strong community relationships through engagement and honouring the commitments we have made to the local communities in the areas in which we operate. Sponsorships and funds have been used to support endeavours which target the needs and improve health or education opportunities for the people in these communities.
To view Panoramic’s Indigenous Employment Policy, please click here
Our projects continued to operate within all statutory regulations and license conditions during the year. Reduced emissions and energy saving programs were again a key area of focus for our operations, with Panoramic scheduled to report under the NPI (National Pollutants Inventory) and NGER (National Greenhouse Energy Reporting) programs.